Client: Gatehouse International Real Estate agency

Project: Content Creation

Communicating the Portuguese dream for SEO success

In 2022, we were commissioned to produce several articles for real estate agency, Gatehouse International to improve their website’s search engine results page (SERP) ranking for their Algarve microsite.

We began by thoroughly understanding the agency's objectives, target audience, and specific real estate market segments they wanted to emphasise. Conducting detailed keyword research was our next step, identifying high-ranking, relevant keywords to tailor our articles for optimal SEO performance.


Crafting engaging yet informative content became our focus, so we developed a series of articles covering what it’s like to live in and explore the region. These articles were rich in keywords, seamlessly integrated to naturally enhance SEO.


The results were transformative for the agency. We understand their search engine rankings improved significantly, driving a noticeable increase in organic traffic. The informative and compelling articles engaged visitors, prolonging their time on the website and potentially resulting in more inquiries and conversions.


Consistently publishing high-quality, SEO-driven content positioned the agency as an authority in the real estate niche, fostering trust among potential clients. The long-term impact of these efforts ensured ongoing traffic and leads, providing a substantial return on investment for the agency and establishing a robust online presence.

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